The Town is always evolving and the Code of the Town of New Hartford attempts to address these changes through the application of its zoning ordinance.
Currently, the Town of New Hartford is comprised of 13 different zoning classifications. These classifications provide for a multitude of uses. In cases where a use is not listed or an exception is required, the Zoning Board of Appeals can offer relief. In other instances where more flexibility is needed to encourage site sensitive or innovative design, Planned Development District Overlays can be applied for on tracts of land 5 acres or larger.
“Zoning, the regulation of the use of real property by local government, restricts a particular territory to residential, commercial, industrial, or other uses. The local governing body considers the character of the property as well as its fitness for particular uses. It must enact the regulations in accordance with a well-considered and comprehensive plan intended to avoid arbitrary exercise of government power.”