Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate

Job Title: Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate

Job Description:


2 Vacancies

Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate

Term:              1 year – June 9-June 9

Meetings:       Third Monday of each month at 6:00 pm

                        Meeting place is Town of New Hartford Municipal Office

                        8635 Clinton Street (at the Orchards)

                        New Hartford, New York 13413

A vacancy currently exists for an Alternate on the Town of New Hartford Zoning Board of Appeals.

The Town of New Hartford is currently seeking an individual to serve as an alternate for the Town of New Hartford Zoning Board of Appeals. This individual must be a Town of New Hartford Resident. This individual will fill in when another Zoning Board Member is unavailable to attend a meeting.

The Zoning Board of Appeals has the authority to grant variances relieving the property owner from strict application of the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance regarding area frontage and setbacks, and in certain circumstances building heights.  Variances from the Zoning Ordinance requirements may be granted only if the Board of Appeals finds, on the basis of facts of record at a public hearing, that there exists exceptional conditions of shape, topography or certain extraordinary situations or conditions peculiar to specific property which, under strict application of the Zoning regulations, would result in peculiar, unusual, practical difficulty or undue hardship to the property owner, and that the proposed variance will not be detrimental to the use and development of adjoining or neighboring properties.  The Zoning Board coordinates with the Town Board and Planning Board when applicable.

Zoning Board members are required, by Town Law, to complete a minimum of four hours of mandated training each year.

If you are interested submit a letter of interest/resume:

Via email: barbs@townofnewhartfordny.gov

Drop off or mail to:

Barbara Schwenzfeier, Personnel

8635 Clinton Street

New Hartford, NY 13413

Responses should be submitted by March 3, 2025.