Welcome to the Town of New Hartford Codes Department
The Codes Department is responsible for the interpretation and enforcement of all codes pertaining to Zoning, Building, Property Maintenance and Fire Safety. Additionally, it assists in advising the Planning Board, Zoning Board, and Town Board on matters related to the aforementioned. It is the goal of this department to administer codes in a fair and unbiased manner and to help maintain a safe desirable community.
George Farley
Code Enforcement Officer
Michael Connors
Fire Inspector (P/T)
Steven Karrat
Fire Inspector (P/T)
Daniel Trevisani
Fire Inspector (P/T)
Dolores Shaw
To better assist the community, anyone wishing to apply for a Building Permit needs to call or email (lgell@townofnewhartfordny.gov) for an appointment. The Codes Officers want to assist in any way possible and this enables them to meet with you personally to discuss your plans. Codes #: 315-733-7500 , Ext. 2423 - hours: 8 AM - 4 PM.